Maine Weather Sticks (minimum order 6)

Maine Weather Sticks (minimum order 6)

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Maine Weather Sticks
Rustic weather predictor from the backwoods of Maine

"They really work!"

Maine Woodsman's Weathersticks have been predicting the weather, delighting their owners, and amazing new acquaintances all around the world for over ten years. Long before that the Abanaki Indians probably used them as hostess gifts when they went to dinner in neighboring wigwams! Hang on an outside wall or door casing exposed to the weather.
Stick bends down to foretell foul weather, up for fair (unless you've hung it upside down - the hole goes on top)!
Approximate size: the stick is about a foot long and the base is around 2-1/4" tall x 3/8" wide with a pre-drilled hole for nailing

NOTE: Size may vary

WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS ITEM as a great conversation piece. Customers have told us they have had their weather stick for years and have given away many to family and friends and make a wonderful novelty gift. There friends have come back for even more to give away to others.
NOTE: MIIMIMUM ORDER OF 6 (We recommend ordering even more!)
Mom and dad, family and friends will love this item once they see it work!
Great Christmas Gift and Stocking Stuffer!
Minimum order quantity: 6
NOTE: $8.49 per stick (min. 6)