Woodlink Avian Mixed Feeder W/O Wire Cage

Woodlink Avian Mixed Feeder W/O Wire Cage

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Woodlink Avian Mixed Feeder W/O Wire Cage

Squirrels can't chew this squirrel resistant wild bird feeder. An original best design high capacity feeder. Fill it before you go on vacation and the birds will be talen care of.  Nice design for summer homes.

The Woodlink (Formerly made by Varicraft) Avian-2 bird feeder is a hanging feeder with a huge three gallon seed capacity that requires only weekly filling. A vented reservoir eliminates condensation and moldy seed in the hopper. This model includes 8" seed tray to help attract a wider variety of birds. Feeding ports have stainless steel squirrel shields.

12.5" L x 12.5" W x 21.5H"